Jeff is joined by author Nayomi Munaweera, whose second novel – What Lies Between Us – was recently released. They discuss writing, elephants, and travel to Nayomi’s native Sri Lanka, now that the 32-year civil war has ended.
We visit with musical polymath Jef Stott, and hear an original story by travel writer Lavinia Spalding.
Have a listen!
Resources for the books, organizations & music in Episode 5:
Lavinia Spalding (opening story): laviniaspalding.com
Himalayan Writers Workshop, with Lavinia Spalding & Jeff Greenwald, Feb-March
2018: himalayanwritersworkshop.com/turning-the-wheel
Nayomi Munaweera: us.macmillan.com/author/nayomimunaweera
Jef Stott / World is Sound Project:
Natalie’s hotel workers’ rights story: fairhotel.org
For all ET News stories with Natalie Lefevre, please visit: ethicaltraveler.org/posts
Opening story (Korea): Self Portrait by Jin Hi Kim, from the album Komungo
Podcast Theme Music: Energizer by Stephen Kent, from the album Family Tree
Closing track: Kehta Hai Mehra Dil by the Bollywood Brass Band, from their 2016
album Carnatic Connections
Additional music by Jef Stott, as above!
Geo Quiz-zine #3:
Q – The 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey included a trip into orbit aboard a Pan
Am Space Clipper. Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick tried to make the trip seem completely
realistic—but there was one big error, involving food. What was it?
A – Still up for grabs!! Email your answers to podcast@ethicaltraveler.org
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