
The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2025

by Natalie Lefevre, Karen Blansfield, and Jeff Greenwald “One of the most constructive things we can do in our flickering moment of life is to embrace the chance to leave our comfort zones—those dangerous lairs where we learn to languish—and seek out the unfamiliar.” – Paige McClanahan, The New Tourist Note: As we prepare to […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2023

by Natalie Lefevre, Karen Blansfield, and Jeff Greenwald “Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond.” – Wendell Berry For those of us who love to travel, the first few months of 2023 are bringing cause for optimism. The […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations 2021: Special COVID-19 Edition

by Karen Blansfield, Jeff Greenwald, and Natalie Lefevre “Travel far enough to meet yourself.” – David Mitchell There’s a sad but wonderful irony in these words from author David Mitchell, whose books, such as Cloud Atlas, have transported us through time and across the globe. During the past year, many of us have not been […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2020

by Natalie Lefevre, Karen Blansfield, Molly Blakemore, and Jeff Greenwald “As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you.” – Anthony Bourdain Once again, we open our annual report with the words of […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2019

“It seems that the more places I see and experience, the bigger I realize the world to be. The more I become aware of, the more I realize how relatively little I know of it, how many places I have still to go, how much more there is to learn.” – Anthony Bourdain NOTE: As […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations 2018

“So much of who we are is where we have been.” – William Langewiesche In recent years the world seemed to be expanding, and with that expansive feeling came a sense of possibility and hope. The year 2017, on the other hand, was challenging on many levels. Projects and programs designed to preserve and protect […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2017

“Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.” – Leonard Cohen  by Molly Blakemore, Karen Blansfield, Morgan Lance and Natalie Lefevre with Jeff Greenwald The year 2016 brought many challenges, and a sense of loss to many people. Many of us will begin the new year wondering if the […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations – 2016

“I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.” – Albert Einstein The year 2015 marked the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, considered by many physicists to be the most beautiful scientific theory ever discovered. In a single virtuoso gesture, Einstein demonstrated that space, time and gravity are interrelated—and […]

The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations – 2015

“I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world.” – Rainer Maria Rilke There was a time, not long ago, when we traveled more or less in a bubble. Long-distance travelers could be gone for weeks or months and have little or no contact with family or friends. Today, we’re able […]