Media Contact:
Michael McColl
Director of Communications
Ethical Traveler
+1 (510) 575 8711
For Immediate Release

(BERKELEY, USA — NOVEMBER 2017) Travel is a powerful force for good will. It’s also the world’s biggest industry: Nearly one in 10 people on this planet rely on the travel market for their livelihoods. This makes travelers the most powerful social action group on Earth. It means that where we go – and what we do when we get there – can literally change the world.
This month, California-based Ethical Traveler launches the first podcast dedicated to ethical travel: Mindful travel and tourism that focus on the well-being of the people and places travelers love to visit.
The Ethical Traveler Podcast features interviews with writers and storytellers, artists and adventurers, along with news and music from all over the world. It’s hosted by journalist Jeff Greenwald, co-founder of Ethical Traveler and the the author of six travel books—including Shopping for Buddhas, The Size of the World, and Scratching the Surface.
“Our podcast is a wonderful blend of the things I feel most connected with in the world: storytelling, interviews, journalism, and activism,” says Greenwald. “Every episode starts with a short travel tale. Each includes great world music, news, and lively interviews with people doing wonderful things. Our first three podcasts feature novelist Jenny Williams, mountain medicine doctor David Shlim, and the inspirational Faith Adiele, Thailand’s first Black Buddhist nun. Listeners will learn about shark tourism, Russia’s newest trek, and the ethics of camel rides.”
Ethical Traveler is a project of the Berkeley-based Earth Island Institute. The mission of Ethical Traveler—“Empowering travelers to change the world”— highlights the economic clout of travel and tourism to protect human rights and the global environment.
To listen to the Ethical Traveler Podcast, please visit . To subscribe on iTunes, please visit .
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