Martial Arts Odyssey : Lai Tai

On my return to Shanland I met with another leading Lai Tai, Kung Fu student and filmed his art. As always, I met up with Kawn Wan, interviewed him about his views on martial arts and on the future of the Shan people.

I need some help.

My paramedic training is going well in Manila. When it is over, I will be returning to Shanland and the Burma border to help with backpack medic teams. I will be taking my first finals next week and then begin volunteering on an ambulance. I need to do this for 250 hours, before taking the next set of classes.

I am still continuing with my Shanland, Burma writing and film making, releasing one piece per week. I still haven’t paid off my film editing bill, so there are five and a half hours of film which haven’t been edited. Also, I need to keep financing my school here in Philippines.

I need to get my paramedic equipment this week and need some financial help for my training and for film editing. If you can help, thank you. If you can’t, I completely understand. Just enjoy the videos and spread the word about Shanland and the ethnic people of Burma.

If you wish to contribute to paramedic training and “In Shanland” film project, you can donate through paypal, through the Burma page of my website.

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