A lot of us are reading the news coming out of Burma and wondering what we can do to help. Here are some ideas:
1. Attend a Protest Rally
Here in San Francisco, we’ve been targeting the Chinese Consulate.
Read why here: www.badasf.org/2007/ChinaProtestSept26.htm
The next protest action is planned for Friday Oct 5.
Your best source for local, action-oriented info is BADA SF:
A rally at the consulate last week got good coverage but we need more people!
Here’s some of the media coverage:
www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/09/29/BASGSGDV7.DTL (w/photos)
abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=nation_world&id=5678410 (w/video)

The Burma Campaign UK (www.burmacampaign.org.uk), an organization that campaigns for human rights and democracy in Burma, is organizing a Global Day of Action for Burma on Saturday, October 6. This will be the “largest global demonstration for Burma,” according to the group.
2. Contribute Money
How to get money to the people inside Burma who really need it (for food, water, medical supplies!)? It’s not easy. But we have a grassroots way to do it. Read about Youth Solidarity of Burma:
3. Act Online
Ethical Traveler has a way to post your photographic message of solidarity to the people of Burma:
4. Read the News
Best sources for news:
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